Permutations using Backtracking

Last updated: July 16, 2018

Table of Contents

What are Permutations?

A permutation is a rearrangement of a given sequence. The difference between a permutation and a combination lies in the importance of the ordering of its elements. So, in a combination lock, it really is not technically correct to be called it that, because, for example, if your lock combination is 699, when someone else punches in 969, it should work too, because in a combination, the order doesn’t matter, but in a permutation, it does.

So, as an example, in the string sequence mon, the possible permutations would, lexicographically, be:


Python bitmask and bitshift preamble

In Python, there are things called the bitshift operators. These operators act on numbers, but are treated as binary ones. For example, 4 >> 1 will become 0b100 >> 1 (the trailing 0b means it is a binary literal), which means to move the on bits to the direction of the bitshift operator, which is to the right. Entering that in a Python REPL will output 2 because moving the on bits of 0b100 by 1, to the right would yield the 0b010 binary literal, which is 2.

Another concept we need to discuss is that of bitmasks. What they are, is a method to whittle the bits, through comparing it to a value of a given mask. This is done through the bitwise operators & (AND), | (OR), and ^ (XOR). These bitwise operators are used for different kinds of needs, for example, if you want to make sure the third bit from the right of 0b1001 is turned on, you use a bitmask value of 0b0100 to align the off bit to the on bit of the given bitmask, then perform an or bitwise operator, which is | in python, which will now result to 0b1101.

Generating permutations

With that being said, one of the possible applications of the bitshift operators and the usage of a bitmask value, is the generation of permutations. An example is be the following Python program:

def permutations():
    global running
    global characters
    global bitmask
    if len(running) == len(characters):
        for i in xrange(len(characters)):
            if ((bitmask >> i) & 1) == 0:
                bitmask |= 1 << i
                bitmask ^= 1 << i

raw = raw_input()
characters = list(raw)
running = []
bitmask = 0


The first block of code is the function that we'll be invoking to do our bidding of generating the permutations.

The value of RAW will be initialized to the input of the user, and will later be converted to a list to be initialized to CHARACTERS.

CHARACTERS will serve both as a placeholder to compare the ongoing length of RUNNING, which will hold the still-to-be-ready next permutation, and as the placeholder to determine what part of CHARACTERS to append to RUNNING, next.

Lastly, BITMASK will serve as the predictor, whether or not the current index of CHARACTERS is what we’ll need to append to RUNNING, to get closer to our next permutation.

The function

Inside PERMUTATIONS(), the first three GLOBAL statements are to reference the previously mentioned outside variables, inside the function:

global running
global characters
global bitmask

Immediately after that, is a condition, which checks if the length of the accumulated value of RUNNING is equal to the length of the placeholder CHARACTERS, and if satisfied, means that we now have a ready permutation to be printed:

if len(running) == len(characters):

If the condition is not yet satisfied, it means that we still have more to append to RUNNING, before we’re able to output its contents.

For that, we go to the ELSE clause of the program:

        for i in xrange(len(characters)):
            if ((bitmask >> i) & 1) == 0:
                bitmask |= 1 << i
                bitmask ^= 1 << i

The FOR is to iterate over the indexes of CHARACTERS. Inside, an IF clause can be found, which checks whether the current index I, is of the correct index to be appended to RUNNING, then does the select, explore, then deselect routine, which is the essence of backtracking, to accomplish what we need of it, which is to generate the next permutations.

The backtracking routine

Previously mentioned was the select, explore, then deselect routine or the backtracking routine. The selection part happens literally inside RUNNING.APPEND(CHARACTERS[I]), in CHARACTERS[I] (but the previous BITMASK |= 1 << I task is also important as I'll discuss later), the exploration part happens in the recursive call to PERMUTATIONS(), and finally, the deselection part (or undoing) happens in RUNNING.POP(), wherein, the lastly appended item to RUNNING is removed, and in BITMASK ^= 1 << I, in which the changes to BITMASK through BITMASK |= 1 << I is undone.

Now, what really is the role of BITMASK in all of this? As you may or may not have already noticed, this program makes use of bitwise operators to achieve its goals. Firstly, in ((BITMASK >> I) & 1), it checks whether the current index I is the appropriate index of CHARACTERS to be inserted to RUNNING. If satisfied, the BITMASK |= 1 << I task is run, which essentially raises the threshold of BITMASK to changes in I, so that, when shifted right by I bits in the next PERMUTATIONS() call, I will be forced to change its value (in contrast to the value of I in the outside FOR), so as to force I to move to the next index of CHARACTERS to possibly insert to RUNNING.

After the selection and exploration, now comes the deselection part, in which we undo the changes we made to BITMASK and RUNNING to further check if permutations can still be generated. Those are done through RUNNING.POP() which removes the last element of RUNNING, and through BITMASK ^= 1 << I.

If after the deselections, the next value of I in the FOR loop is still within XRANGE(LEN(CHARACTERS)), the adventure continues through its incrementation and the possible execution of its body provided that the condition can be satisfied.